Are you struggling to grow your business?

You’re not alone. Many business owners, just like you, struggle to grow despite trying due to a handful of critical mistakes they are making unknowingly.

This Implementation program is specifically designed to fix these errors and implement the Business Start-Up code.

Four Key Mistakes

Mistake #1 Failing to articulate real value.

One of the most common missteps made by business owners is their failure to effectively communicate the true value they offer. Clarity in conveying your unique value proposition is key to capturing the attention and trust of your target audience.

Mistake #2 Inconsistency in marketing efforts.

One prevalent mistake made by business owners is the inconsistency in their marketing efforts. When marketing strategies lack regularity, it becomes challenging to maintain a strong and lasting presence in the minds of your target audience.

Mistake #3 Trying to be all things to all people.

One common mistake that business owners often make is attempting to cater to the needs of everyone, rather than focusing on a specific, well-defined target audience. This approach can lead to diluted messaging, a lack of a clear value proposition, and a struggle to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Mistake #4 Failure to build key relationships.

One common mistake that business owners often make is their reluctance to put themselves out there, hindering the crucial process of building valuable relationships. This resistance can limit their growth and opportunities in the business world.

But why do Business Owners make these Mistakes?

Small business owners often make their 4 common mistakes due to several key factors. 

Many face challenges in expressing the true value of their offerings due to a limited understanding of their audience’s needs. Inconsistent marketing efforts often stem from resource constraints, lack of expertise, or overwhelming business responsibilities. Broad customer targeting arises from a fear of missing out, diluting the brand and message. Additionally, the failure to cultivate key relationships can be traced to time constraints, shyness, and a lack of awareness about the long-term benefits of a  professional network and discomfort in self-promotion as well as awkwardness when it comes to speaking about money.

Introducing the Business Start-Up Code, designed to address these challenges and offer a structured path to small business success.

SFC Business Start-up Code

Our program is designed for anyone starting their business journey or who has been in business for a few years but isn't experiencing the growth they desire. If you're ready to overcome the challenges that have been holding you back and take your business to the next level, this program is for you.

Don't let the common mistakes of failing to articulate real value, inconsistency in marketing, and resistance to networking hold you back any longer. Join the SFC Start-up Accelerator Program and kickstart your journey to success.

Are you ready to transform your business and achieve the growth you've been dreaming of? Enroll now and take the first step toward a brighter future with the SFC Start-up Accelerator Program.

Why Choose This Program?

1. Identify Ideal Clients

We'll help you pinpoint your ideal clients, understand their pains and desires, and tailor your approach to meet their specific needs.

2. Unpack Your Business Model

We'll break down your business model and provide innovative solutions that will reignite your growth.

3. Create Messaging and Offers

You'll learn to articulate your real value and create compelling offers that resonate with your audience, leading to more sales conversations..

4. Content Strategy

We'll help you identify 12 month's worth of content themes, ensuring you maintain a strong online presence and keep your audience engaged.

5. Networking Mastery

We'll teach you how to connect with key networking players, opening doors to valuable opportunities and partnerships.

6. Confident Conversions

We'll guide you through the conversion process through key note presentations, both online and offline.


Here’s what other Small Business Owners are saying about us.

Having worked with Sam for my own personal development as well as him supporting my Recruitment team with training I can honestly say he is a pleasure to deal with and has a fantastic knowledge when it comes to sales training and development of teams. I highly recommend Sam for his expertise along with just being a lovely guy! Thank you for your support to Tru Talent.

Toni Taylor

Managing Director

Before I started working with Sam, I was feeling very overwhelmed and not sure of the right direction to take to grow my business. There was so much conflicting advice online on what the best solution is, that I felt so lost and this kept me stuck from growth. What I needed was an expert who could show me the best route and course of action to take my business to the next level, and thankfully I found that in Sam. He was a great fit for me and exactly what I needed to regain confidence and momentum. If anyone else is currently stuck and distracted by all the different shiny ball offers online – promising you the world, I recommend booking a call with Sam first, who has already done all the hard work in finding out the best practices in growing a business, so all you need to do is put your heart and soul into implementing them. Thanks again Sam and I look forward to working with you again on the next scale program.

Alex Saxton

Clinical Hypnotherapist

I have been working with Sam for the past 6 months. Wow, just wow! His lateral thinking and thought process into any situation is second to none. He always offers balanced advise and see all situations from every angle, none bias and straight to the point. I have already recommended Sam to several people and look forward to many more years of working with him.

James Vigar

Landscape Services

I can honestly say that I have not come across someone with so much business savvy.
Sam has helped me transform my business and lifestyle into something I could only dream of by providing knowledge, tools and support.
I look forward to continuing this journey with Sam and would highly recommend him to any business that wants more than just running through the motions. Directors that want balance back in their personal lives, tradesmen that want to understand business and self-employed who want to take that next step. Thank you Sam.

Rob Best

Commercial Electrical Services

It took me a while to take the step and to contact Sam for help. I should have done it the day I met him when we were networking together, and he told me he would love to help me.
My business wasn’t growing, it was ok, but I felt frustrated and irritated with my lack of ability to plan properly and grow my business so that I could feel less pressure, have more time and feel confident in my “plan” (I had no plan)
Since having Sam as my business coach, he has completely turned my world around in my business. We are following a step-by-step process and he is so supportive in between sessions, calling me to make sure I’m still on track. Helping me when I need it. He has a calm but no-nonsense approach which is exactly what I need. I am so excited to see how my business grows as I learn to do what he is teaching me to do. GROW MY BUSINESS.
I highly recommend him to anyone that’s stuck in their business and needs someone to pull them out of the hole.
Thank you Sam, it’s early days I know but I am so impressed with what’s happening…. you are brilliant!

Tracy Kimberg

Therapist & Coach

I have been working with Sam for sometime now & wow what a journey it has been!

Before I started with Sam I was all over the place, doing a bit of everything and a lot of nothing.This was leading to confusion and overwhelm.

Sam came recommended to me & really understood exactly where I was and where I wanted to get. Sam has an enormous amount of knowledge and skills with strategies and tools that got me grounded, got rid of my limiting beliefs that were stopping me from growing and got me on a clear path of measurable growth!

Today my business is consistently increasing in sales because of the strategies, complete clarity and confidence that he has instilled in me.
Thank you Sam!

I would highly recommend any entrepreneurs who are not getting anywhere or are confused, trying to find their feet to contact Sam ASAP.


Corporate Marketing Trainer

Supporting fleet owners/managers to save money by restoring fuel economy & avoiding costly repair bills via Engine Carbon Cleaning | ProVent Catch Can | Fuel Manager Pre Filter | Throttle Controller Installs.
Sams knowledge and expertise has been key in pushing my business in the right direction whilst vastly expanding my own knowledge along the way. Support in all aspects has given by Sam and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to better themselves and/or their business.

Chris Shilson

Fleet Engine Protection Specialist

Mission Road Electrical have been using Sam’s services now for 2 years. He has given me huge confidence in strategic support when building the business and enabled a shift in mindset since leaving the corporate world. Sam is very good at reading human emotion and therefore unlocks what needs attention a lot of the time before you are even aware yourself. He has grounded me (and continues to do so) in terms of work / life balance and unlocked tools and opportunities that I would have otherwise not used or gone for. I would happily recommend Sam to business owners of all stages who may feel overwhelmed, are striving for growth, or simply need a review of their processes! Thank you Sam.

Louise Birchall

Independent Electrical Contractor